Monday, March 31, 2008

One Degree: Ben Stiller and Christian Bale

A special kudos to Miranda for totally blowing last week's challenge out of the water and for being the first person to buzz in on this game who doesn't know me. I thought I was so smart for knowing five movies that John Cusack (Say Anything, High Fidelity) and Jeremy Piven (Entourage), but Miranda counted off ten--take a look at the comments from last week's post for the full list. You are either a huge Pivack fan or a whiz on Google--either way, I'm impressed. Sadly, it is unlikely there will be an eleventh film, as the two seem to be on the outs.

I'm going to have to raise my game! I don't know if I can keep it up, but here goes.
On May 22, 2009, Ben Stiller and Christian Bale are slated to go head-to-head with competing movie premieres with sequels Night at the Museum 2 and Terminator 4. What movie did the two appear in together?
Answers next week! Post your answers in the comments! This one may be impossible without search engines, but see if you can do it without Google, or by just using

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